Data-Driven Energy


Project of Common
European Interest

Mycroft Mind is one of 56 EU companies and one of only two from the Czech Republic selected for the IPCEI ME/CT program.

The project focuses on developing self-learning energy modules that predict energy flows and optimize flexibility services. These modules will operate directly in smart devices without relying on cloud-based systems, making them more efficient and responsive.

Funded by the European Union Národní plán obnovy IPCEI Microelectronics

Embedded Energy Intelligence:
AI for new era of energy grids

IPCEI is a European Commission initiative supporting strategic investment in disruptive innovation to strengthen the EU’s competitiveness in a key strategic value chain. In the energy sector, IPCEI focuses on projects contributing to a greener and more efficient energy system, such as smart solutions for energy distribution and storage or technologies for reducing carbon footprint.


The IPCEI ME/CT concerns research and development projects covering microelectronics and communication technologies across the whole value chain from materials and tools to the chip designs and manufacturing processes.

These projects aim at enabling the digital transformation by:

  • creating innovative microelectronics and communication solutions
  • developing energy-efficient and resource-saving electronics systems and manufacturing methods

IPCEI ME/CT follows and complements the first IPCEI to support research and innovation in microelectronics, approved by the Commission in December 2018 having the highest approved financial support of all IPCEIs to date – €8.1 billion.

Mycroft Mind is among 56 companies, direct participants – we are going to closely cooperate with other participants, associated and indirect partners. We expect to introduce first products to the market as early as 2025/2026.

What will we develop?
- Technology

We will focus on developing Edge Computing technology – Embedded Energy Intelligence.

Our goal is to create embeddable energy intelligence modules that can be integrated into smart meters, sub-meters, EV chargers, industrial energy meters, substation meters and other energy sensors

These modules will automatically learn to predict energy behavior including reaction to energy market situations. It allows distribution grid operators to predict low voltage grid congestion and localized need of flexibility services.

Prosumers can better understand its energy behavior and opportunities to lower energy costs. Flexibility operators will have detailed information about available prosumer flexibility and their expected reactions to flexibility requests.

Through our innovative solutions, we contribute to a more sustainable and efficient energy future.

The Power of Partnerships and Collaboration

We believe in the power of partnerships and collaboration. Our network includes hardware developers (e.g. smart meters manufacturers both industrial, retail and submeters, EV charging station manufacturers), software developers (e.g. system integrators), academic institutions, and more, enabling us to offer the best solutions for sustainable energy.

Together, we form a community of innovators who are not afraid to push boundaries and seek new paths to a sustainable energy future.

We already have many collaborations with leading European chip and semiconductor manufacturers: Robert Bosch – DE, Bizzcom – SK, Cologne Chip – DE, NXP – NL, Elmos – DE, ST Microelectronics – Malta, Infineon – AT.

However, we are seeking additional partners from various industries, such as energy equipment manufacturers, energy service providers, network operators, or academic researchers. We believe that only through close collaboration can we achieve a true transformation of the energy sector.

Whether you are an energy community, a charging station operator, a manufacturer, or academic innovators, this program represents a unique opportunity to be part of the solution to today’s and tomorrow’s energy challenges.

If you want to join our ecosystem of energy innovation and learn more about collaboration opportunities, please contact us at


International electromobility project

XL-CONNECT is a European funded 3,5-year project aiming to optimize on demand charging solutions for electric vehicles to employ V1G/V2G/V2X technologies.

An optimized charging network considering human, technical and economic factors along the entire charging chain will be developed.

The technologies will be demonstrated in 4 different European countries.

At Mycroft Mind, we will prepare a data generator able to generate various types of locations with various scenarios of electromobility development and also complex and realistic scenarios of planned or expected demand and storage capacities of e-cars.

XL Connect


Decentralized Energy System Management Technologies

The project aims to develop hardware and software technologies enabling decentralized management of the distribution network (DN) and consumption points within the framework of modern energy systems.

The activities focus on significantly improving the functionality of smart metering and communication components of the DN through advanced analytical services, innovative control options, and enhanced communication security, with an emphasis on cost-effectiveness of the final solutions.

The project is led by a consortium headed by ZPA Smart Energy a.s., with partners including the Czech Technical University in Prague, ČEZ Distribuce, a.s., E.GD, a.s., Masaryk University, Mycroft Mind, a.s., PREdistribuce, a.s., Brno University of Technology, and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The project is being implemented from 2022 to 2024.